Signature Loan or Payday Loan?   You’ve heard of signature and payday loans, but how do they work? And more importantly, which one is best for you? Your individual needs and experience may play a large role in your choice but it pays to know that there are some clear differences between them. Plain and…

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Free Movie Nights

Looking for something free and family friendly this weekend?  Many communities have free movies in parks or in parking lots of old movie theaters, or, even on the sides of buildings!  You bring your own seating and snacks and they provide the rest of the entertainment! Just type in “free movie night in the park”…

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Summer Food Safety Tips

One of the best parts about going to a summer picnic, cookout or tailgate party is the food. Who doesn’t love a hot-off-the-grill burger with classic sides such as potato salad and coleslaw? Without proper handling, they can also lead to a nasty case of food poisoning. “Hot, humid weather helps bacteria flourish,” says Alison…

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