12/12/12 Once in a Lifetime
The type of repeating date that is December 12, 2012 most of us will only see once in a lifetime. Since dates like this only occur in the early years of a century, the next time – 01/01/2101 is just 89 years away. Dates like this are considered lucky days and that generally means that there is quite a spike in the number of marriages on those days and parents eagerly do their best to coordinate births on those days. We’ve had a run of special days recently with the new century: 7/7/07 and 10/10/10 just to name two. Since 12/12/12 is the last of these special days this century the momentous occasion is being marked by a massive benefit concert in Madison Square Garden to benefit victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Additionally, the repeating 12’s that will occur tomorrow are seen quite a lot in our culture:
• Time: 12 hours on a clock, 12 months in a year.
• Distance: 12 inches in a foot.
• Shopping: Roses, eggs, doughnuts and bagels by the dozen.
• Government: 12 Federal Reserve districts, 12 members of a jury.
• Astrology: 12 signs of the zodiac.
• Education: 12 numbered grades in school.
At Waldo General we believe this special day could be lucky for many of our customers. If some extra money would help you this holiday season come by to see us, we’ll do our best to help. We are the “Easy Loan Store”.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/12/10/3959045/121212-is-a-hot-date.html#storylink=cpy